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a spiritual map for transformation and freedom

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If you can answer yes to any of these, this formula is for you:
  • Marriage is under stress

  • Parenting is under stress

  • Suffer from anxiety and depression

  • Recovering from divorce

  • Struggling with addiction

  • Unresolved trauma

  • Grieving a loss

  • Cant heal from past

  • Want to restore relationships

  • Lost your purpose​

  • Tired of being tired

  • Want to reset your life 

  • Want to live your dreams

  • Want to refresh in Jesus

We want you to experience a refreshing new encounter with Jesus!

I have been a Christian my entire life. I have walked through extreme trials and overcame them by the power of Jesus!

I have been in counseling off and on and learned some great tools. I have hosted or attended almost every Bible study for women over my first 20 years of marriage.


But, something was missing. 

Weeks or months later, each time I found myself stuck...still in the same cycles, the same mindsets and the same outcomes.


My financial life, most of my relationships, my health and my home life all felt like they were failing. 

I found myself blaming everyone else but me. After-all I was working my bottom off to raise our kids, run our home, our business and our marriage. I was a checking off all the boxes. 

With all my knowledge and spirituality how could I still be struggling.  Why did I still feel trapped in unworthiness?

Always feeling as though I was not enough...ever! Wondering how everyone else seemed to have the perfect life, but why was mine so frustrating?

After another huge trail in my life, I decided it was time for me to go on a journey all alone with God to find the best version of healing He could show me.


I knew one thing, I wanted to live the life God had for me full of LOVE, JOY AND PEACE! That is all I knew 100%!

It was time for me to start working on me.

And that is exactly what I did. I found a formula. A formula that not only radically changed my life, lead me to my purpose to the most incredible life I have ever lived, but also has given the same to people I have shared it with both in life and inside my ministry Bochy's Place.

My mission now is to share this formula with anyone who is ready to draw a line in the sand and live life to the fullest  measure of happiness and freedom! 


Why would you wait one more minute to learn 
The Freedom Formula?

Can't wait to meet you!

❤️ Carla

We will bring you spirit filled worship, how to hear God,
inner healing and so much more! 
W H A T  T O  E X P E C T
From the hidden truths of a woman's identity we will discover how to release the bondage of carrying all the weightiness that life gives us. 
The complete & empowering original design of women from the original Hebraic language.
The detailed formula to walk in and live the "exceedingly abundantly more than you can think of or image" life.
Step by step formula to restore those important relationships in your life.
Uncovering the biblical principles & truths behind The Law of Attraction. Learn the biblical truths to connect the body, mind, spirit and soul & how to apply them to your life. 


How to overcome grief of loss in every area of life so that pain is gone and life is lived.
B R E A K O U T  C L A S S E S
Inner Spiritual
Prayer: How
To Hear God
Body Code:
Style Analysis
Prophetic Word
& Reading
April 28th | 9AM-8PM
April 29th | 9AM-8PM

Lewisville, TX
N E A R B Y  H O T E L S
Hilton Garden Inn Dallas Lewisville
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Dallas Lewisville
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